Strong FC - Blackpool

Join a session in Blackpool

Join A Blackpool Session

Strong FC - Fleetwood

Join a session in Fleetwood

Join A Fleetwood Session

Let's Play Football

Our football sessions are designed for men of all ages and standards who are looking to up their fitness, join a local community of men and improve their mental health.

Watch this to learn more about how it works...

Let's Talk About Mental Health

Speak up brother...

Book A Session

Check out the dates and times for available sessions and get yourself booked on for one that suits you. Our sessions usually run in the evenings, giving you chance to finish work, get some food and get prepped for the game

Meet The Boys

Our ethos is all about mental health, so our sessions are geared towards meeting new friends, opening up about your own challenges and enjoying the beautiful game. We consider ourselves a brotherhood. Everyone is included.

Join The Family

Up your fitness, grow your strength, make it a routine to get active. Regular exercise and fitness is one of the best remedies to free your mind, blow away the cobwebs and go one more day... Do You Dare To Win Today?.

Join Us...

Want to play with Strong FC?

Join one of our "Strong Sessions" in the North West to meet like-minded men and have open discussions about Mental Health.


> Blackpool Sessions

Pride In The Community

We're northern and proud, representing the working class blokes who love their football. Our message hits the right chord with working men, new dads, fathers, sons and brothers. Let's talk about mental health once and for all.

Welcome To The Tribe.